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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Seven Archangels Tarot Spread


Seven Archangels Tarot Spread  
 Unique and Elaborate Tarot Reading
This reading is designed to take advantage of ancient magical systems. It offers information about seven archangels and their connections to seven tarot cards in different areas of your life. In addition you will get some a 
This is a great spread for anyone who wants to look into all facets of life for insight, help, and advice. Call on the same entities called upon by King Solomon and famous sorcerers from history.
It is especially useful for witches, magicians, sorcerers and all spellcasters. Why? Here's what you get.

1 Seven Archangels who to call on.
2 Seven Olympic Spirits to call on.
3 Planetary correspondences to use in rituals.
4 Sigils to call on all of the above.
5 A book you can download to study all of this more in depth if you wish.

It's a very through reading not just to find out what's going on in your life but to focus on how to make changes and where to put your energy.
1 Michael
career and life goals protection of home, property, family and loved ones
helps you grow spiritually and emotionally
His planet is the Sun
2 Gabriel strength
Helps with communication, creative, dramatic, artistic expression
Can help deliver clear messages psychically.
3 Zaphkiel (Tzafqiel)
He can watch people when they need to make important decisions and when they need to put them into words for others. If they are unsure of the words, he will help them to make the message more clear. He is associated with the planet Saturn.
4 Zadakiel righteousness, mercy
Helps with forgiving yourself and others
Heals the mind, helps you resolve emotional baggage
Helps you let go of abusive relationships, hepls with spiritual development
5 Samael venom
Source of evil, destroyer of those who do evil
6 Raphael doctor, healer
For healing of mind, body, and spirit.
7 Haniel Haniel is generally associated with the planet Venus, and is the archangel of the sephirah Netzach. The name Haniel probably derives from Hebrew hana'ah, "joy," "pleasure" (qualities associated with Venus)
With this information you can see seven archangels and their influence in seven areas of your life. It functions like a regular tarot spread but then you also have the option to call on any or all of the archangels for help in any of these areas.
You get symbols associated with them so that you can print or draw these images and burn a candle to ask for help. 
If you need more instructions on this I will explain. 
You also get the planets associated with these archangels and the symbols for the planets, and again, these may be used to asked for help using elemental magick.
And you get the associated Olympic Spirits, and their planetary associations and sigils, all of which can be printed, drawn, or carved onto a candle and used to call on for help. 
This is an unusual tarot reading and as far as I am aware it is unique. If you're looking for a tarot reading about the major areas of your life you get that. If you want to delve into it and use the symbols you can very easily do so. You don't need any experience to do this but the beautiful thing is that the more you know and the more you study the more you can get out of it. 
And in my opinion tarot is not about "what is going to happen to me?" It is about "how can i best make use of the current situation to get what I want?" This reading takes that idea to a whole other level if you enjoy candle magic. 
I am a chaos magician, meaning I borrow from all areas of science, philosophy, and the occult, and this is an example of how that manifests itself in my work. I am proud to be able to offer this to you. 
Message me for more information. 

I am a messenger and a guide.
We live in a world of infinite possibilities. With each breath a new life begins and with that new life comes the potential for love, adventure, knowledge, peace, and fulfillment. Let me help you connect with the universe as only you can. All of us are unique. You probably felt different since you were very small and that's because you are. The universe only made one of you.

I'm the same way. I have studied the metaphysical worlds since I was a child. I moved to Sedona, Arizona when I was seventeen and spent a few years there having wonderful and enlightening experiences. I practice witchcraft from various schools and I'm a tarot reader. I have worked to develop my intuition and ability to tune in other worlds, higher realms, the past and the future, and I can help you, too. I put thought and care into everything I offer. I'm unique and I know you are, too. Let's work together to tap your potential.



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If it will take longer than that contact me before purchase so I know what to expect.
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 Listing Terms
My items are guaranteed to be as described.
You must be 18 years old to purchase.
Metaphysical items are required by law to be sold "for entertainment purposes only."
If I ever make a mistake about the materials or other details of the listing, it is an honest mistake and I will refund your money. You have 7 days to contact me and return the item. Thank you.

Monday, June 1, 2020


Expanded  Past Present Future Reading with Subconscious and Higher Self

New Years Reading or Birthday Reading

Doubt and Intuition Spread 
learn what is holding you back from tapping into your intuition

Dragon's Treasure Spread for problem solving
New Moon Spread
Five Card Love Spread 
Five Card Reading For Problem Solving

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Elements and Planets Spread


Elements and Planets Spread Ring
 Unique and Elaborate Tarot Reading
I have developed a spread that will delve into all aspects of your life from different angles. First, depending on your gender, age and area of inquiry I choose a significator card. This is card 0 and represents you and your question or focus. I then continue as follows:
0 Significator 
This card represents you and your area of questioning.
I will choose a card or you may indicate a card,generally a Page, Knight, Queen, or King based on your age and area of inquiry. For example Cups are related to dreams and emotions so a reading in the area of love might use the Queen of Cups to represent the querent. If you're asking about building your business on the other hand I might choose the Knight of Wands, a card related to action and energy.      
Next up cards 1 - 4 look into the effects or aspects of the elements on the reading. 
1 Water - Emotions  
We begin with the Element of Water which is most related to dreams, emotions and intuition. This card will focus on your feelings and subconscious needs. 
2 Air - Thoughts
Card two is about your thoughts and will give insight into these thoughts and how best to focus to achieve what your particular goals may be.     
3 Fire - Energy, Force
Card three is about action. What actions are you taking? What is working? How can you best use your energy? Possibly overcoming blocks or again, just focusing. 
4 Earth - Physical
Card four is about the body and the material world. This card will focus on practical real world concerns which could range from money, financial issues, real estate, or even body issues such as strength and fitness.    
5 Sun what is revealed
new, growth, celebration
Card five is about new growth, revelations, and beginnings. This card can indicate an overall direction things are going in or may focus on central goals you can begin to enact. 
6 Moon what is hidden
dreams, symbolism
The Moon position, card six, is so important. This card will focus on your inner knowledge, personal symbolism, emotions, and your dreams.It may talk about emotions that are currently surfacing or could give you advice on how to reach into your dreams and use the very powerful energy that is contained therein.  
7 Mercury - Communication, messenger
Mercury relates to communication and also to business matters. This card will give insight into how to express yourself and what you have to offer. If you run your own business or if you're trying to reach a larger audience in any way this position in the spread is made for that. 
8 Venus - Love
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. This position in the spread will deal with this area of your life. Whether you are in a relationship or looking for one you may learn more about what's happening in your love life, and possibly how to call on Venus to bless you in this area. 
9 Mars - Force, strength
Mars sometimes gets a bad rap as the "God of War" but this part of the spread actually is about how and when to use your strength to defend yourself and what is rightfully yours. If you're expanding your influence and taking more control of your world you may find Mars to have a very powerful and welcome influence on this area of your life.  
10 Jupiter - Growth, mercy, law, luck
Jupiter and Saturn balance each other nicely in this way: This part of the reading could be called "More of this," while Saturn might be, "Less of that." Jupiter is about what to bring into your life to grow and is related to matters of luck and good fortune. Focus on this. 
11 Saturn - Restriction, limitation on time and matter, commitments
Saturn is about what to leave behind. Saturn governs Time and this part of the reading can tell you about where you may be wasting your time, or about things which have come to a conclusion and which should new be put to rest or banished from your life. I don't like giving up and I'm not a quitter but learning to focus on things that bring results will help you so much. 
12 Uranus - Ingenuity, innovation, enlightenment
Uranus is the planet associated with enlightenment and is sometimes known as the "awakener." You may receive a message in this part of the spread that will come as a surprise, or it might hold advice on how to tune in to your subconscious to allow this message to come to you from within. This part of the spread is about change, renewal, rebirth. 
13 Neptune - Inspiration, dreams, spirituality   
Neptune is the ruler of Pisces, and the planet of spiritual concerns. Somewhat similar to the Moon, Neptune is important in the area of dreams and inspiration. Your subconscious mind comes into play here. Neptune is also about mercy and compassion and there may be some advice here about how to move on from feelings which are blocking your connection to your spiritual self. 
Message me for more information. 

I am a messenger and a guide.
We live in a world of infinite possibilities. With each breath a new life begins and with that new life comes the potential for love, adventure, knowledge, peace, and fulfillment. Let me help you connect with the universe as only you can. All of us are unique. You probably felt different since you were very small and that's because you are. The universe only made one of you.

I'm the same way. I have studied the metaphysical worlds since I was a child. I moved to Sedona, Arizona when I was seventeen and spent a few years there having wonderful and enlightening experiences. I practice witchcraft from various schools and I'm a tarot reader. I have worked to develop my intuition and ability to tune in other worlds, higher realms, the past and the future, and I can help you, too. I put thought and care into everything I offer. I'm unique and I know you are, too. Let's work together to tap your potential.



Payment Types
I accept Paypal.
Payment is requested at time of purchase and is expected within 3 days.
If it will take longer than that contact me before purchase so I know what to expect.
Thank you.


Shipping Terms
MOST ITEMS ship within 3 business days
EXCEPT for items created uniquely
such as custom items.

 Listing Terms
My items are guaranteed to be as described.
You must be 18 years old to purchase.
Metaphysical items are required by law to be sold "for entertainment purposes only."
If I ever make a mistake about the materials or other details of the listing, it is an honest mistake and I will refund your money. You have 7 days to contact me and return the item. Thank you.

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

New Moon Spread

This is a New Moon tarot spread best done within a couple of days either side of a new moon. 
Card 1, Now, the current situation
Card 2, Leaving Behind, what should you let go of for the next month?
Card 3. Goals, Intents, what should your goals be for the next month?
Card 4, Tools, Knowledge, Advice, what do I need to know for the next month?
Card 5 Energy, Lesson, what is the nature of the energy that will emerge in the next month? What can I hope to learn?

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Past Present Future the Classic Three Card Reading


Three Card Reading

This is a classic reading. It is a good way to get a general overview of your current situation and where you're headed. Unlike some I do not believe that the future is predetermined. You have a choice. It does help to know the direction things are headed though. How else can you best take advantage to get the results you want? 
So how does it work? 
Tarot is one of many means of divination and understanding that go back thousands of years. The history of tarot itself is in dispute but it's certainly been around more than five hundred years. Every one of us, even with the simplest of lives, has infinite possibilities. The people around you, the situations you find yourself in, all of the many factors that determine the circumstances of your life can become difficult to grasp all at once. 
Tarot gives us a way to do that. By taking all of those factors and boiling them down to a few symbols we can look at a very complicated situation with a new perspective. With that perspective comes clarity. In other words the confusion or uncertainty that we may feel vanishes. We simplify many factors that would be impossible to consider at the same time and see the general energy and direction that things are going in. This is the psychological point of view.
Some believe that the universe is a hologram. If this is true then ALL of the information in the entire universe is contained within EVERY INDIVIDUAL POINT of the universe. The tarot reader, such as myself, is able through attaining a state of mind and tuning in to the energy of the cards, able to tune in to the energy of the universe. This is the mystical point of view. 
While some readers call upon spirit guides or believe that their cards are alive, I usually do not. I have readings where I specifically call upon spirits for help, including the spirit guides of the client. But usually I go directly to the source that one source of energy and information which flows into and through our entire universe, everyone and every thing in it. 
And how does this specific reading work?
I will draw three cards for you. Left to right each card occupies a position and represents a specific part of the reading. In this case Card One is Past.
The Past Card may show some clues about events and people from your past that are influencing your current situation. Different influences ebb and flow in patterns that may be very difficult to put into words. However the pictures, the symbols, and the energy of the card will help us understand which of all possible past influences are appearing now. And they do change. I'm sure you have had a thought about an old friend and then seen them on the street or received a phone call from them. This is an example of how the wheel is constantly in motion.  
Wheel of Fortune, Constantly In Motion

Card Two is the Present.
The Present Card is of course about what's happening now. It will help us connect the dots and see the path we're currently on. It's sort of the "You Are Here" point on the map. And while it might SEEM like it's easy to know where we're at the cards will help me offer a different perspective on that. Sometimes we look at things as if we're viewing a funhouse mirror. Things can get distorted. And the Present card also often serves to tell us if we're at the beginning, middle, or end of a cycle.
Three of Wands, a Journey Begins

Finally, Card Three, the Future
Many people think that the tarot tells us "what is going to happen." In fact it simply tells us what direction things are going. What's the difference? Well, things do not just happen to you. Every day you have the opportunity to make many small choices that have a huge effect on your life. You've heard of being "in the wrong place at the wrong time." Well, that can be avoided because the cards can offer a warning. But maybe even more important is the balance of that saying, the one about being "in the right place at the right time." Now this is valuable information. 
Sometimes people are afraid of the tarot for superstitious reasons. They think they're going to learn of some terrible and unavoidable event. But let's say that you did happen to get one of the more challenging cards for the Future. I assure you that it's better to be prepared. Look at it like this. 
Time is a river and we're travelling down the river in a boat. We know the river behind us and we can see the river where we're at now. But the river up ahead? We can only see so far. It may look straight and smooth or there may be a bend coming up soon but either way we can only see a certain distance and the rest is guesswork. But tarot gives us a map of that river. It might tell us that just around that bend is a huge waterfall! So that's why the river has been moving faster! Now, having this information may not be what you want to hear but it's essential to know it because you can prepare. Try to take a different fork in the river, or put on a helmet and a life jacket. Prepare and minimize your losses. 

The Tower, a Card We Don't Usually Want To See
The Tower is one of those cards that it would be nice to be aware of. One of the few cards, in my opinion, that indicates a situation that can not be avoided, the Tower usually signifies a dramatic change being caused from an outside source. In other words it's not something caused by you. It means something dramatic is going to occur and it's going to make a change in your life. It's still not "bad" because ultimately that change is part of your overall path. But you're probably not going to like it at the time. 

Six of Wands, Sailing For Smoother Waters
Sometimes you get a card telling you that a rough time is coming to an end. This can change your attitude and even help begin the new and better cycle earlier. And this really is the most important point. If I haven't caught your attention with anything else, please listen to this. You can CHANGE YOUR FUTURE.
Yes! I'm not here to tell you what's going to happen to you as you wander helplessly through life. I'm not even here to tell you how to survive and plan for some coming event. No! I am proactive. I'm here to tell you how to look at the path you're on and make the very best of it, and even to change it. And if you get a reading that seems a little tricky or difficult I will offer you specific techniques to do just that. You can change your mind. You can change your luck. You can change the universe!
Four of Cups, Wake Up! You're Missing an Opportunity
In order to take advantage of these opportunities you have to know that they are there. Try this basic three card Past -Present- Future  reading today.

Or ask about the expanded five Card Version with extra information.

What are you waiting for? Contact me today.  
Thanks so much for looking.
I hope to make you a satisfied customer. 

I am a messenger and a guide.
We live in a world of infinite possibilities. With each breath a new life begins and with that new life comes the potential for love, adventure, knowledge, peace, and fulfillment. Let me help you connect with the universe as only you can. All of us are unique. You probably felt different since you were very small and that's because you are. The universe only made one of you.

I'm the same way. I have studied the metaphysical worlds since I was a child. I moved to Sedona, Arizona when I was seventeen and spent a few years there having wonderful and enlightening experiences. I practice witchcraft from various schools and I'm a tarot reader. I have worked to develop my intuition and ability to tune in other worlds, higher realms, the past and the future, and I can help you, too. I put thought and care into everything I offer. I'm unique and I know you are, too. Let's work together to tap your potential.


See my other listings for more great items!


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 Listing Terms
My items are guaranteed to be as described.
You must be 18 years old to purchase.
Metaphysical items are required by law to be sold "for entertainment purposes only."
If I ever make a mistake about the materials or other details of the listing, it is an honest mistake and I will refund your money. You have 14 days to contact me and return the item. Thank you.